Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer

L. Brad Clarke
Brad has over 28 years experience in management consulting in Canada and internationally, including the United States, Barbados, Peru, China and Vietnam.

His experience ranges from being a project accountant to being the president of a successful management consulting practice. As a consultant, he has developed an extensive list of contacts through his many years of helping clients with management of all aspects of their joint ventures, investments, accounting, training, computer systems, contracts, auditing and company operations. His experience in making appropriate recommendations and decisions is demonstrated through the success of his consulting practice.

Brad has been directly involved in the complementary and integrated medicine industry for the past 16 years. He is a devoted student of Qi Gong, Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbology. He is also currently the Director and head instructor of Qi Gong at the Calgary Qi Gong Centre. One of his key areas of focus is teaching and informing children through to the elderly of simple self help, preventative medicine practices and therapies that can significantly reduce anger, negative stress and improve their immune system and foster happiness.

Brad has assisted numerous firms and individuals in managing their affairs through both the good and the bad times. His domestic and international experience, industry contacts, negotiating and management skills have been proven by meeting and accomplishing the short and long-term goals of clients.

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